How to use your head when it comes to marketing

What is neuromarketing? 

Neuromarketing is witchcraft for marketers.

Only joking…well, kind of.

Neuromarketing is defined as commercial marketing that applies neuropsychology to understand and influence consumer behaviour.

It allows businesses to communicate a message in a way that will be best received by the target customer – because it is based on science, not what’s trending on social.

What have we learned from neuromarketing?

Sadly that all that effort you put into your emails, blogs and social post tends to be forgotten.  

It’s not you though; it’s the brain.

Our brains are naturally lazy.

Look it’s got some other pretty important tasks to do, such as keeping us alive, so it naturally cuts corners when it comes to taking in marketing messages.

People forget 90% of what you present – which only leaves 10% of what your audience remembers.

So the question you need to consider is, do they remember the right 10%?

How do I control the 10%?

1. Make it easy

The best place to start is asking yourself if you can instantly see the 10% you want your customer to take away?

Think of it as the sniff test – if it is not clear to you, it will not be apparent to them.

Cognitive ease is what you are after.

In layman terms, make it easy to read and easy to remember as the brain (remember that lazy guy) doesn’t want to expend too much energy to recall it.

Don’t just consider your words but also your images when it comes to boosting your 10%.

Advertisements with the subject looking at the content the advertisers want you to remember boosts action - next time you see an ad for baby products, check and you will find that cute baby is probably looking at the key message of the ad.

2. Reward me for my (limited) efforts

So your brain is essentially like a toddler - it wants to do the bare minimum, have you spell out the message loud and clear and then be rewarded.

The reward will help your customer remember your message and increase the dopamine levels (those feel-good hormones) within the brain, which means your customer will associate pleasure and positive associations with your brand.

So what is a reward? Consider some messages you have seen; it may involve a discount count, more status credits with the loyalty program and even just a pleasurable customer experience.

3. If you’re going to make me choose, don’t make me think too hard 

Decision paralysis is an issue faced by all of us today.

Each day we make around 35,000 decisions – so don’t make the options you’re presenting too exhausting.

Too many choices will deter your customer from taking action, so ensure you simplify the range.

This could mean you profile only a few products from your line and if you are highlighting the options available, make sure you place the preferred choice in the middle column, no matter the price.

Embrace brain power

The impact neuromarketing can have on your business messages are endless. From learning that we perceive prices with decimals as more expensive; to understanding how you can influence a customer (or potential tinder date) to swipe right on an image; there is more for you to learn and implement.

So don’t stop here, kick your brain into gear and read more on how neuromarketing can transform how you present your business.


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